Welcome to the portal.
Welcome to the portal.
The Writing Prompt is your doorway in…
into your subconscious, or perhaps the collective one…
into your own story, or one that’s just now being written…
It’s the doorway in to wherever your pen wants to take you.
Writing Prompt Packages
Writing Prompt Packages that give you the starting point. Each package contains 30 prompts*.
Download to write whenever and wherever you want. Turn the page and move at your own pace. Read the prompt and begin.
*Prompts are written by me and are part of a sentence or sometimes an entire one. Occasionally they include a remark between quotations or blanks to be filled in.
Reaching through the senses, toward something beyond, symbol and metaphor open their doors and drop you into the portal. Some lines snap your attention; others reach toward something...toward what? Your subconscious knows. These prompts knock on its door so it will get up and speak. Use them to dive into worlds both real and imagined or to discover what lies at the meeting point of here and beyond.
Fall into the black, inky ether to see what your pen scoops up and reveals. What can be found between the wrinkles of time and space? What might be born... created... or lost in the liminal? These prompts enable you to drop deep into the mystery with moments of grounding, like guideposts between worlds.
What story wants to be told? Is it fiction or non -- real or imagined? With this prompt set, characters move toward vividness, and toward something... What is it? Faint outlines of scenes are ready to be colored in. Action, turning points, and bits of dialogue all move your story forward... Connect the dots or every day start anew. Subjects and tense vary somewhat so that you can be led toward either.
¡Paquetes de estímulos están disponibles en 2 idiomas!
Compra en español (haz clic aquí para teletransportarte).

How to Download
Writing Prompt Packages
Want a package?
Shop by clicking “Add to Cart.”
After your purchase, you will receive your digital file for download.
You can always access the file through your email.
Each package contains 30 prompts with instructions.
Full details of each package can be found by clicking the product listing above.
How to use a
Prompt Package:
Get into your writing space. Open and read your next prompt and begin. Write for at least 10 minutes (or as long as you’d like) and go where the pen moves you.
You can:
Write the prompt at the top of your page and keep going.
Read the prompt and just start writing. Maybe the prompt appears as a sentence somewhere further down in your writing.
Maybe the prompt appears nowhere on your page but simply gets your mind and pen moving. The point is that it prompts you. It is a starting point.
Self trust is involved. You must not peek at what is coming. The key to the prompt is that you read it and immediately start writing, jumping right into what just got activated. (If you look ahead, you will be diluting your experience and what you’re able to get out of it.)
Should you connect your prompted writing each day? You certainly can. Some people do. Some people don’t. Some people do sometimes. Write whatever comes. And just write. That’s the important thing.
Questions? Email me.

Speaking from Experience…
(What people are saying)
It was interesting where each prompt led me so quickly!
Jennaea Denhardt
I had no idea what to expect when I signed up. I had never done any creative writing, never even kept a journal or a diary. I had often toyed with the idea of telling certain stories, but never knew where to begin. To my surprise the method used to inspire one’s creative writing muscle actually worked! I found myself able to focus and construct a story. I did not expect this.
ElfiLilliana Hacker
The prompts were a way for me to stay connected to myself and draw out emergent thoughts despite the current riptide of obligations.
Nica Celly